We would like to upgrade the kitchen facilities at the Tobermory Scout Hall, to widen the range of activities and bookings of the hall.
£3,021.21 - April 10th 2017
plus £3,374.69 - Dec 2017
About the Project
Our current kitchen facilities limit the activities which the Scouts, Guides and outside users can carry out. Upgrading the kitchen appliances, worktops and storage will mean that the Scouts and Guides can deliver more cooking sessions, providing information on healthy eating, basic food hygiene and food miles.
Better kitchen facilities will also increase the potential uses for outside hiring groups, such as fundraising events, themed evenings and parties. A lack of adequate fresh food storage, hygienic prep areas, cooking and dish washing facilities have discouraged potential hires for the hall.
The group relies on hall rental income to help cover the running costs and maintenance of the hall. The whole community of Tobermory, pop. 1050 will benefit from the improved facilities.